Picture Books

1. An ode from a mother to her sleeping boy, this poetic journey imagines what is possible for an infant who will gradually experience the world until he can ultimately change it. One Day is written by Joanna Ho and illustrated by Faith Pray (HarperCollins, 40 pp., hardcover) $18.99

2. Jack is a pirate in training, and he loves everything about being a pirate except for the gruff Captain Squinty Eye’s rule: No dancing! When he hears music, dances spring out of Jack, which comes in handy when other pirates attack and his ballet steps save the day. The captain—who, apparently, has never seen the ballet Le Corsaire—recants and promotes Jack to pirate. Pirates Don’t Dance! is written and illustrated by Shawna J. C. Tenney (Sleeping Bear Press, 40 pp., hardcover ) $17.99

3. From Madeleine L’Engle’s granddaughter comes a book about the Newbury Medal winner’s life, her curiosity and determination, leading up to the publication of A Wrinkle in Time. A Book, Too, Can Be a Star: The Story of Madeleine L’Engle and the Making of A Wrinkle in Time by Charlotte Jones Voiklis and Jennifer Adams, pictures by Adelina Lirius (Farrar Straus Giroux, 40 pp., hardcover) $18.99

4. In L.A., a little girl finds treasure in the trash a broken guitar. She dreams of being a musician one day. The author of this semi-autobiographical book should know the feeling: La Guitarristra is by multi-Latin Grammy Award-winning musician, Lucky Diaz and illustrated by Micah Player (HarperCollins, 40 pp., hardcover) $19.99

5. “Once upon a time,” begins each of the 45 biographical stories that describe notable LDS women from around the world. Taken together, the sketches of influential people—the literary texts by Raeleigh Wilkinson and the accompanying illustrations by seven artists—use historical and contemporary women to gesture toward what is possible for readers. Bedtime Stories for Girls of Destiny: 45 Tales of Extraordinary Latter-day Saint Women is Raeleigh Wilkinson’s first book. (Cedar Fort, 96 pp., softcover) $19.99


Middle Grade Books


The Weight of Everything