Road Trip

The family is in the vehicle at last, seat belts fastened, GPS initiated, snacks ready and looking to the open road…with hours and hours to kill. You could arm the passengers with digital devices that would cocoon them from each other, ok. But how about another path? Why not find books and podcasts that everyone can enjoy and then (gasp!) talk about?



Compassion: The Great Healer's Art (Ulisses Soares)

QB: My Life Behind the Spiral (Steve Young)

The Parables of Jesus (Gerald N. Lund)

A Walk in My Shoes: Questions I'm Often Asked as a Gay Latter-day Saint (Ben Schilaty)

Note: You may need to scroll down or enter search in the Deseret Book library to access this title

Silent Souls Weeping (Jane Clayson Johnson)

Note: You may need to sroll down or enter search in the Deseret Book library to access this title

Dark One: Forgotten (Brandon Sanderson and Dan Wells)


Summer School


Picnic Basket