August 12-18: Alma 43-52

Stand Fast in the Faith of Christ

Rachel Cardenas Stallings Thomander (Colombian-American, born 1989)
I Love People (2017)
photographic print, 17 x 11 inches
Collection of the artist
Used with permission of the artist

In a perilous time, as Amalickiah sought to destroy the church of God and the liberty of its people, the chief commander, Moroni, tore his coat and wrote on it, “In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children” (Alma 46:12). He created a flag, and he called it the title of liberty. Next, Moroni took the textile to the people. He waved it before them and cried, “Behold, whosoever will maintain this title upon the land, let them come forth in the strength of the Lord, and enter into a covenant that they will maintain their rights, and their religion, that the Lord God may bless them" (Alma 46:20). And what did the people do? They tore their own garments and cast them at the feet of Moroni, and joined him, remembering that they were from the lineage of Jacob and Joseph, and they made the connection between Joseph’s colorful coat, the remnants of Joseph’s seed, and their own determined commitments in the face of danger.

Rachael Cardenas Stallings Thomander describes I Love People as follows: "This piece examines women's participation in religious rituals. Growing up, I learned about ritual mostly through my mother, so I wanted to photograph her wearing a textile piece highlighting her strengths and interests. Her favorite color, insect, shapes, and most defining personality trait are all depicted. The textile piece also points to my Colombian heritage and cultural traditions. I hope this piece motivates viewers to consider those who might not have equal access to liberty, safety, and spiritual fortification.”

Discussion Questions:

  1. The chapters that we study this week in Come, Follow Me are filled with tales of battles, friction and fighting, yet Jesus is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6; 2 Nephi 19:6). How can study of these stories of contention and aggression guide us in how to follow Jesus?

  2. There are very few stories specifically highlighting women in the Book of Mormon. One of the few stories is of Morianton's maid servant told in Alma 50:30-31. Why do you think this story was included?

  3. Moroni, Teancum and "many of the chief captains" held a "council of war" to design and execute a successful strategy to defeat the Lamanites (Alma 52:19). What councils do we have in our Church and what is their purpose? In what way does your family or study group function as a council? How could your council be more effective in its function toward its purpose? How could your council better benefit from the strengths of its members?

Questions for Youth & Children:

  1. Alma and his sons preached the gospel as missionaries, called of God and ordained with priesthood authority (Alma 43:1-2). They preached "the word, and the truth, according to the spirit of prophecy and revelation" (Alma 43:2). How can these two verses give you confidence in answering questions from others about the gospel?

  2. One way that Moroni prepared and protected his army was in the way they were dressed for battle (Alma 43: 17-21). What do you choose to wear to protect your body and your spirit? (See: For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making Choices, "Your body is sacred" (booklet, 2022),

  3. Art project: Rachel Cardenas Stallings Thomander's textile celebrates her mother. Design a flag that celebrates your family or study group. Discuss what features of your family/study group you wish to have displayed on the flag. Notice how the different talents of the individuals compliment each other and make your flag more interesting. The title of liberty was designed to unify and give direction to the people. In what way might your flag inspire and unify your family or study group?


August 19-25: Alma 53-63


August 5-11: Alma 39-42